Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Idol Favorite

The sad part for me is that I'm almost completely certain that this guy will not win the competition. It's a shame because he's without a shadow of doubt the most talented on the show.

In any case, I'm going to go watch Blitzen Trapper tonight at Johnny Brenda's. Come join me if you're into the electronic country stuff.

Monday, March 24, 2008


Apparently the U.S. death toll in Iraq reached the 4,000 mark today.

There's a lot of news that's been catching my attention recently. Death toll in Iraq, for one. Is anyone else also keeping tabs on the mortality count in Philadelphia? 61 deaths in the city of brotherly love so far. According to the media, this is a good thing. This is the same media that labeled us the City of Death in 2007. Of course, with that sort of moniker, things can (supposedly) only get better.

My grandfather passed away last week. He was a quiet man who battled between obligation and regret. His legacy reminded me a lot of my own life struggles; I wonder if I have some of him with me right now. I can only hope. He was a fine man, and much of my life and faith is consequent to his profound effect on my development into a young man. The world he reared me in was far more innocuous, and even though I did a whole host of stupid shit, there existed the comfort of knowing that I was always in good hands.

I miss him. And I consider the world we're living in now. Lord, help us.

My encouragement to you today: consider carefully the current events of our time. Please get involved with politics this year, because that is a direct venue where we have a lasting impact on the condition of the well-being for our children. Deconstruct what the media is feeding you and decide for yourself where you stand on both issues and everyday affairs. Get involved, because there is going to be much to regret in only a handful of decades.

What a critical time to be human. I hope I can honor you, grandfather.
